Circus Bear Tutorial - By Pammy



You will need Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7
You can download a trial version HERE
You will also need Eye Candy 4000
You can download the Selections HERE
Put the selections in your selections folder.

You will need to have a basic knowledge
of PSP and know how to use the tools.


Open a new image 350x500 16 Million Colors Transparent background.
Set foreground to the color #8F5B37 (light brown)
Set background to the color #4F3215 (dark brown)
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and name it Head
Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyHead.sel
Flood fill with the background color (dark brown).
Then go to selections/modify and contract by 2, flood fill with the
foreground color (light brown) and apply Eyecandy 4000 Swirl
with these settings...

Invert selection, and add a drop shadow using these settings...

Apply a second drop shadow changing the vertical to 4 and the
horizontal to 6, then Deselect and save.

Add a new Layer name it ears.
Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyLear.sel
Flood fill with the background color (dark brown).
Then go to selections/modify and contract by 2, flood fill with the
foreground color (light brown)
and apply Eyecandy 4000 Swirl, using the previous settings.
Invert selection, and add a drop shadow changing the vertical to -9
and the horizontal to 4

Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyRear.sel
Flood fill with the background color (dark brown).
Then go to selections/modify and contract by 2, flood fill with the
foreground color (light brown)
and apply Eyecandy 4000 Swirl, using the previous settings.
Invert selection, and add a drop shadow changing the vertical to -4
and the horizontal to -11 Deselect and save.

Add a new Layer name it eyes.
Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyEyes.sel
flood fill with Black, and apply an Innerbevel using these settings...

Deselect, add a new layer, and save.

Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyNuzzle.sel
Flood fill with the background color (dark brown).
Then go to selections/modify and contract by 2, flood fill with the
foreground color (light brown)
and apply Eyecandy 4000 Swirl, using the previous settings.
Invert selection, and add a drop shadow changing the vertical to -6
and the horizontal to -4

Deselect, add a new layer, and save.

Go to Selections/Load from Disk and choose PmmyNose.sel
Flood fill with Black
Apply an Inner Bevel with the previous settings.
Go to Selections/Load from Disk PmmyMouth.sel
flood fill with Black, Apply an Inner Bevel Changing the width to 1
and shininess to 30.
Go to Selections/Load from Disk PmmyBrows.sel
Flood fill with the background color (dark brown).
Deselect, merge visible (rename Head) and Save.

Continued on next page...



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Tutorials are ©Copyrighted by each Author

Circus Bear tutorial Copyright © 2002 Pammy
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